GEOG 580-001: Digital Remote Sensing

The objective of this course is to understand the theory and techniques of using digital remotely sensed data for the mapping and analysis of geographic features. This will include image enhancement, transformation, classification, and visualization methods as applied to various physical and cultural landscapes. Prerequisite; GEOG 579 or GEOG 416 or POI.

Week Topic Chapter
1 Introduction, Logistics, Overview 1
2 Remote Sensing Data Collection 2
3 Digital Image Processing system consideration 3
4 Initial Statistics Extraction, Univariate and Multivariate, Histograms
Lab Assignment 1: Satellite Remote Sensing Images [pdf]
5 Initial Display Alternatives and Scientific Visualization 5
6 Radiometric and Geometric Corrections 6
7 Image Enhancements
Lab Assignment 2: Image Enhancements [pdf]
8 Thematic Information Extraction, Supervised Signature Extraction, Decision Rules 8
9 Unsupervised signature extraction, Accuracy
Lab Assignment 3: Image Statistics [pdf]
10 Thematic Information Extraction: Artificial Intelligence and Distributed Imagery Mining
Lab Assignment 4: Image Classifications [pdf]
11 Change Detection, Interface of GIS and Remote Sensing 12
12 Hyperspectral Analysis, or guest lecture 11

Instructor: Liping Di, Research I, Room 321, 703-993-9496 (O),



Office Hours:

Required Text: John R. Jenson, 2005, Introductory Digital Image Processing, Third Edition, Prentice Hall.

Final course grade will be based on four equally weighted letter grades received from; 1) midterm examination, 2) assignments (see assignment policy), 3) a written and orally presented research proposal, and 4) comprehensive final exam.

Honor Policy: All students are expected to abide by the University Honor System and Code as stated in the University Catalog.

Assignment Policy: The assignments are an integral aspect of this course providing a significant component of the material you will be expected to understand. Because of the importance of these assignments, some policies concerning their completion are necessary. These policies include:
  1. Assignments are due at the beginning of the class as scheduled.
  2. All late assignments, unless a valid excuse is accepted, will be penalized.
  3. Assignments not completed or inadequately completed are sufficient reason to receive a failing or incomplete course grade.
  4. You are expected to complete assignments by yourself.
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